




发布日期:2024-09-18 作者:江南

[导读]加州卡尔弗城2024年8月14日 /美通社/ -- Snail, Inc. (纳斯达克股票代码: SNAL) (以下简称"蜗牛"或"公司")是一家领先的全球自力开辟商和刊行商,专注在互动数字文娱,本日公布截至2024年6月30日的第二季度的...

加州卡尔弗城2024年8月14日 /美通社/ -- Snail, Inc. (纳斯达克股票代码: SNAL) (以下简称"蜗牛"或"公司")是一家领先的全球自力开辟商和刊行商,专注在互动数字文娱,本日公布截至2024年6月30日的第二季度的财政事迹。

蜗牛游戏联席首席履行官Tony Tian评论道:"我很是侥幸可以或许与超卓的团队一路带领蜗牛游戏,继续发扬公司出色的立异和缔造力传统。我们致力在为玩家供给出色的游戏体验,正如方舟:保存飞升的成功推出所展现的那样,将继续鞭策蜗牛游戏获得将来的成功和成功。瞻望将来,我们很兴奋可以或许扩大我们的高级游戏模组的笼盖规模,并推出新的内容来取悦我们在全球规模内不竭增加强大的玩家群体。"


方舟:保存飞升(ARK: Survival Ascended)和方舟:保存进化(ARK: Survival Evolved) 2023年10月25日,公司操纵虚幻引擎 5 的绝佳画质推出了方舟系列旗舰作品的重制版,并引入了改变游戏的跨平台模组系统,开启了缔造力的新时期。 截至2024年6月30日的三个月和六个月时代,方舟:保存进化与方舟:保存飞升在Steam和Epic平台上的日均活跃用户数(DAUs)别离为218,241和213,690,而在2023年同期别离为240,522和258,235。 截至2024年6月30日,按照Steam平台数据,我们的方舟系列游戏时长已达37亿小时,每位用户平均游戏时长为161小时,此中21.1%的玩家游戏时长跨越100小时。 自游戏推出以来,方舟:保存飞升已售出约250 万套,且日均活跃用户达 108,515,峰值为 307,875 。 方舟:保存进化在2024年第二季度的日均活跃用户数为131,927,销量约50万套。 2024年第二季度,公司成功推出了中世纪保存游戏Bellwright(颂钟长鸣)、方舟:保存飞升的Bob's Tall Tales (鲍勃的奇谈)DLC扩大包和方舟:保存飞升的POWER RANGERS (超凡战队)高级模组。另外,完全版DLC扩大包Scorched Earth(焦土)也面向所有方舟:保存飞升的玩家开放。









截至6月30日的三个月, 截至6月30日的六个月, 2024 2023 2024 2023 (单元:百万美元) (单元:百万美元) 总收入 美金 21.6 美金 9.9 美金 35.7 美金 23.4 递延收入转变 1.3 (0.6) 6.7 (0.8) 订购额 美金 22.9 美金 9.3 美金 42.4 美金 22.6


截至6月30日的三个月, 截至6月30日的六个月, 2024 2023 2024 2023 (单元:百万美元) (单元:百万美元) 净利润(吃亏) 美金 2.3 美金 (4.1) 美金 0.5 美金 (7.1) 利钱收入和联系关系方利钱收入 (0.1) - (0.2) (0.1) 利钱费用和联系关系方利钱费用 0.2 0.3 0.6 0.6 所得税拨备(收益) 0.6 (1.1) 0.1 (1.9) 折旧和摊销费用 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 EBITDA 美金 3.1 美金 (4.8) 美金 1.2 美金 (8.3)




本新闻稿包括组成前瞻性声明的陈说。本新闻稿中包括的很多前瞻性声明可以经由过程利用"预期"、"相信"、"可能"、"估计"、"应当"、"打算"、"筹算"、"猜测"、"继续"、"估量"和"潜伏"等前瞻性辞汇或其他近似表达来辨认。本新闻稿的多出呈现前瞻性表述,包罗但不限在,有关在蜗牛游戏的意图、信心或当前预期的声明。这些前瞻性声明包罗关在蜗牛游戏的营业、财政状态、运营成果、活动性、打算和方针的可能或假定的将来成果的信息。蜗牛游戏就以下事项颁发的声明属在前瞻性声明:增加前景和计谋;推出新游戏和在贸易上获得成功的游戏的附加功能内容;预期将来增加的主要驱动身分;其可以或许保存和增添其玩家群体、开辟新的游戏和改良现有游戏的能力;包罗来自其他休闲游戏开辟商和刊行商,和年夜型和小型、上市和私营互联网公司在内的多个行业的公司的竞争;在节制人力本钱的同时吸引和留住天资治理团队和其他团队成员的能力;与第三方平台的关系,如 Xbox Live 和 Game Pass、PlayStation Network、Steam、Epic Games Store、My Nintendo Store、Apple App Store、Google Play Store 和 Amazon Appstore;可寻址市场的范围、市场份额和市场趋向;其可以或许成功进入新市场和治理国际扩大的能力;庇护和成长其品牌和常识产权组合;与捍卫常识产权侵权和其他索赔相干的本钱;将来营业成长、运营成果和财政状态;触及俄罗斯和乌克兰和以色列和哈马斯的延续冲突对其营业和全球经济的影响;法院或其他当局机构的判决;股票回购打算,包罗预期回购的时候和体例;其进行并成功整合计谋收购的打算;所有前述内容的根基假定。

有关可能影响蜗牛游戏财政事迹的风险、不肯定性和其他身分的更多信息,请参阅蜗牛游戏不时向美国证券买卖委员会(SEC)提交的文件、10-K 表年报和 10-Q 季报。您不该该依靠这些前瞻性声明,由于现实成果和功效可能会因这些风险和不肯定性而与前瞻性声明中昭示或暗示的成果和功效有本色性差别。本新闻稿中的所有前瞻性表述均基在治理层的信心和假定和蜗牛游戏今朝把握的信息,蜗牛游戏没有义务更新所供给的前瞻性表述,以反应表述日期以后产生的事务或存在的环境。




June 30, 2024 December 31, 2023 ASSETS Current Assets: Cash and cash equivalents 美金 15,494,156 美金 15,198,123 Accounts receivable, net of allowances for credit losses of 美金523,500 as of June 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023 8,212,318 25,134,808 Accounts receivable - related party 2,690,306 - Loan and interest receivable - related party 104,751 103,753 Prepaid expenses - related party 4,151,547 6,044,404 Prepaid expenses and other current assets 1,290,375 639,693 Prepaid taxes 9,640,169 9,529,755 Total current assets 41,583,622 56,650,536 Restricted cash and cash equivalents 1,118,437 1,116,196 Accounts receivable - related party, net of current portion 4,500,592 7,500,592 Prepaid expenses - related party, net of current portion 11,209,590 7,784,062 Property and equipment, net 4,519,174 4,682,066 Intangible assets, net - other 271,316 271,717 Deferred income taxes 10,187,267 10,247,500 Other noncurrent assets 166,303 164,170 Operating lease right-of-use assets, net 1,831,269 2,440,690 Total assets 美金 75,387,570 美金 90,857,529 LIABILITIES, NONCONTROLLING INTERESTS ANDSTOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY Current Liabilities: Accounts payable 美金 5,021,234 美金 12,102,929 Accounts payable - related parties 16,742,358 23,094,436 Accrued expenses and other liabilities 2,166,996 2,887,193 Interest payable - related parties 527,770 527,770 Revolving loan 3,000,000 6,000,000 Notes payable - 2,333,333 Convertible notes, net of discount - 797,361 Current portion of long-term promissory note 2,771,040 2,811,923 Current portion of deferred revenue 21,451,307 19,252,628 Current portion of operating lease liabilities 1,575,578 1,505,034 Total current liabilities 53,256,283 71,312,607 Accrued expenses 254,731 254,731 Deferred revenue, net of current portion 18,866,375 15,064,078 Operating lease liabilities, net of current portion 615,887 1,425,494 Total liabilities 72,993,276 88,056,910 Commitments and contingencies Stockholders' Equity: Class A common stock, 美金0.0001 par value, 500,000,000 shares authorized; 9,368,619 shares issued and 8,018,344 shares outstanding as of June 30, 2024, and 9,275,420 shares issued and 7,925,145 shares outstanding as of December 31, 2023 936 927 Class B common stock, 美金0.0001 par value, 100,000,000 shares authorized; 28,748,580 shares issued and outstanding as of June 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023. 2,875 2,875 Additional paid-in capital 25,319,673 26,171,575 Due from shareholder - loan receivab江南体育le - - Due from shareholder - interest receivable - - Accumulated other comprehensive loss (282,973) (254,383) Accumulated deficit (13,472,503) (13,949,325) Treasury stock at cost (1,350,275 as of June 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023) (3,671,806) (3,671,806) Total Snail, Inc. equity 7,896,202 8,299,863 Noncontrolling interests (5,501,908) (5,499,244) Total stockholders' equity 2,394,294 2,800,619 Total liabilities, noncontrolling interests and stockholders' equity 美金 75,387,570 美金 90,857,529


Three months ended June 30, Six months ended June 30, 2024 2023 2024 2023 Revenues, net 美金 21,606,650 美金 9,892,253 美金 35,722,379 美金 23,350,741 Cost of revenues 13,504,174 9,335,765 25,545,872 20,196,702 Gross profit 8,102,476 556,488 10,176,507 3,154,039 Operating expenses: General and administrative 2,795,884 3,937,234 5,077,924 8,462,985 Research and development 1,860,881 1,200,842 3,637,403 2,574,639 Advertising and marketing 694,195 168,292 835,225 272,841 Depreciation and amortization 80,554 118,110 162,892 233,170 Total operating expenses 5,431,514 5,424,478 9,713,444 11,543,635 Income (loss) from operations 2,670,962 (4,867,990) 463,063 (8,389,596) Other income (expense): Interest income 64,790 19,791 164,552 51,264 Interest income - related parties 498 499 997 992 Interest expense (142,301) (296,237) (538,265) (590,820) Other income 244,527 - 471,593 8,175 Foreign currency transaction gain (loss) 5,652 (21,845) 23,780 (24,212) Total other income (expense), net 173,166 (297,792) 122,657 (554,601) Income (loss) before benefit from income taxes 2,844,128 (5,165,782) 585,720 (8,944,197) Provision for (benefit from) income taxes 589,512 (1,081,887) 111,562 (1,887,705) Net income (loss) 2,254,616 (4,083,895) 474,158 (7,056,492) Net loss attributable to non-controlling interests (1,535) (4,464) (2,664) (5,683) Net income (loss) attributable to Snail, Inc. 美金 2,256,151 美金 (4,079,431) 美金 476,822 美金 (7,050,809) Comprehensive income (loss) statement: Net income (loss) 美金 2,254,616 美金 (4,083,895) 美金 474,158 美金 (7,056,492) Other comprehensive income (loss) related to currency translation adjustments, net of tax (9,293) 18,707 (28,590) 21,027 Total comprehensive income (loss) 美金 2,245,323 美金 (4,065,188) 美金 445,568 美金 (7,035,465) Net income (loss) attributable to Class A common stockholders: Basic 美金 489,379 美金 (879,665) 美金 103,656 美金 (1,522,005) Diluted 美金 463,249 美金 (879,665) 美金 79,116 美金 (1,522,005) Net income (loss) attributable to Class B common stockholders: Basic 美金 1,766,772 美金 (3,199,766) 美金 373,166 美金 (5,528,804) Diluted 美金 1,673,031 美金 (3,199,766) 美金 284,821 美金 (5,528,804) Net income (loss) per share attributable to Class A common stockholders: Basic 美金 0.06 美金 (0.11) 美金 0.01 美金 (0.19) Diluted 美金 0.06 美金 (0.11) 美金 0.01 美金 (0.19) Net income (loss) per share attributable to Class B common stockholders: Basic 美金 0.06 美金 (0.11) 美金 0.01 美金 (0.19) Diluted 美金 0.06 美金 (0.11) 美金 0.01 美金 (0.19) Weighted-average shares used to compute income (loss) per share attributable to Class A common stockholders: Basic 8,013,634 7,901,145 7,985,631 7,914,096 Diluted 8,196,329 7,901,145 8,225,025 7,914,096 Weighted-average shares used to compute income (loss) per share attributable to Class B common stockholders: Basic 28,748,580 28,748,580 28,748,580 28,748,580 Diluted 28,748,580 28,748,580 28,748,580 28,748,580


For the six months ended June 30, 2024 2023 Cash flows from operating activities: Net income (loss) 美金 474,158 美金 (7,056,492) Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash provided by (used in) operating activities: Amortization - intangible assets - license, related parties - 1,057,971 Amortization - intangible assets - other 401 402 Amortization - loan origination fees and debt discounts 57,632 20,726 Accretion - convertible notes 222,628 - Depreciation and amortization - property and equipment 162,892 233,170 Stock-based compensation expense (911,893) 385,365 Interest income from restricted escrow deposit - (21,389) Deferred taxes, net 60,233 (1,887,705) Changes in assets and liabilities: Accounts receivable 16,922,490 1,794,458 Accounts receivable - related party 309,694 (389,042) Prepaid expenses - related party (1,532,672) (2,500,000) Prepaid expenses and other current assets (650,682) 234,940 Prepaid taxes (110,414) - Other noncurrent assets - (2,903) Accounts payable (6,818,781) (701,488) Accounts payable - related parties (6,352,078) (307,052) Accrued expenses and other liabilities (720,197) 1,131,886 Interest receivable - related party (997) (992) Lease liabilities (129,642) (98,822) Deferred revenue 6,000,976 (765,599) Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities 6,983,748 (8,872,566) Cash flows from financing activities: Repayments on promissory note (40,883) (46,517) Repayments on notes payable (2,333,333) (2,916,666) Repayments on convertible notes (1,020,000) - Repayments on revolving loan (3,000,000) (3,000,000) Purchase of treasury stock - (257,093) Payments of capitalized offering costs - (92,318) Payments of offering costs in accounts payable (262,914) - Net cash used in financing activities (6,657,130) (6,312,594) Effect of currency translation on cash and cash equivalents (28,344) 21,095 Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents, and restricted cash and cash equivalents 298,274 (15,164,065) Cash and cash equivalents, and restricted cash and cash equivalents - beginning of period 16,314,319 19,238,185 Cash and cash equivalents, and restricted cash and cash equivalents – end of period 美金 16,612,593 美金 4,074,120 Supplemental disclosures of cash flow information Cash paid during the period for: Interest 美金 305,825 美金 568,908 Income taxes 美金 161,671 美金 270,802 Noncash finance activity during the period for: Debt converted to equity 美金 (60,000) 美金 - Refund of dividend withholding tax overpayment 美金 - 美金 1,886,559

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上海2024年8月23日 /美通社/ -- 近日,富士胶片第二十七届戈壁绿化步履再度出发,由富士胶片(中国)投资有限公司(以下简称 富士胶片(中国) )工会倡议,工会会员和联系关系公司员工构成的戈壁绿化志...

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